If you need to contact the Monobjc Project team, you can send your to question to the Support.
Bug Tracking System
If you encounter a problem, a bug, file an issue in the Tracking System. Don't forget to describe the bug and the steps to reproduce it (either a textual description or a sample application). Any incomplete submission will be discarded (sorry). Patches or pull requests are also welcomed.
If you want to see a new feature or you think something is missing in the Monobjc bridge, file a feature request in the Tracking System.
Mailing Lists
The Monobjc project offers two mailing lists to manage the discussion around the use or the development. These mailing lists do not accept anonymous post. You have to register in order to make a post.
Development List
The is dedicated to the developement discussions. Don't post on this list about user-related problems or questions. Archives can be read here.
Users List
The is dedicated to the usage discussions. Do post on this list about user-related problems or questions. Archives can be read here.